
2022年7月13日—I'vesetitupwithNextcloud26,andworksgreatsofarforuploadingmyphoto/videofilesfromsmartphone.Alsohadabriefcontactwiththe ...,DAVx⁵isaCalDAV/CardDAVmanagementandsyncappforAndroid.ItalsoprovidesaccesstoyourWebDAVCloudfiles.,2023年11月24日—Thisafullywebdavcompliantclient,whichcanbeusedinplaceoftheNextcloudAndroidclient.,Synchronizeimages,videos,audioanddownloadswithyourWebDAVserver.Syn...

Android one-way webDAV sync

2022年7月13日 — I've set it up with Nextcloud 26, and works great so far for uploading my photo/video files from smartphone. Also had a brief contact with the ...

CalDAV, CardDAV and WebDAV for Android

DAVx⁵ is a CalDAV/CardDAV management and sync app for Android. It also provides access to your WebDAV Cloud files.

Easysync - 2

2023年11月24日 — This a fully webdav compliant client, which can be used in place of the Nextcloud Android client.

EasySync | F-Droid

Synchronize images, videos, audio and downloads with your WebDAV server. Synchronize in both directions. Secure and open source. What is synchronized:


FolderSync enables simple sync to cloud based storage to and from local folders on the device SD cards. It support a wide range of different cloud providers ...


After installing this Android App, you can share images from your gallery to your WebDAV server. Furthermore, every picture you take with the camera will ...

WebDAV Navigator

WebDAV client for Android devices. Add and browse your WebDAV servers. Download files and store them locally. Full folder sync support

WebDAV on Android

Go to folderparis and tap “SYNC” on your folder. You can watch the progress in the “Sync Status” section of the application. Accessing synchronized files on ...


Android 可以访问CloudMe · 下载WebDAV Navigator Lite (免费). · 打开WebDAV Navigator Lite. · 按下菜单键然后添加服务器。 · 设置Name 为CloudMe.

適用於Android 的網路磁碟(WebDAV)

Android 裝置可存取使用CloudMe · 下載WebDAV Navigator Lite(免費)。 · 開啟WebDAV Navigator Lite。 · 按一下「選單」,然後按「新增伺服器」。 · 把「名稱」設成「CloudMe ...